Contact Lens Exams
You love the clarity that optimized vision from your eyeglasses provide. Glasses are not always ideal for sports, for your profession, or you simply love how your face looks without glasses. Worse yet, you have been told that due to your prescription, you are not a candidate for contacts. At Dilzer Eye Care, we can now provide contact lenses for almost any prescription. The result is a liberated, confident, more natural you ready to face the world.
Following your full eye exam, our optometrist will review your test results, your needs, and your expectations, and will discuss numerous options for contact lenses with you! Our practice is skilled at contacts for everyday eyes, eyes with an astigmatism, and for patients with presbyopia. Options include soft daily disposable, monthly disposable, toric disposable, and colored contact lenses, as well as gas permeable lenses. As new contact lenses and materials evolve, our Doctors of Optometry are at the forefront of newer and healthier technology and love to share these with you. We believe in cutting-edge eye care and delivery of that care to you, our guests.
We also prescribe contact lenses for patients who have eye disease, such as keratoconus, dry eye, and disfigurement. Many patients have been told there is not much that can be done for those instances. Our experience and track record say otherwise. Not everyone can wear contacts, but we offer solutions that may help. We invite you to find out more.
We understand that you have many options for purchasing your contact lenses. Most people are not aware of what we offer. You get exclusive rebates, free shipping, and we have an exchange policy that most places do not have. Patients that shop with us feel they have saved time and love the convenience of shopping local.